Develop A Slice Serve For An Effective Backup First Or Second Serve
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The slice serve is hit with side spin causing the ball to swerve very wide to the forehand side in the right service court. The serve
, when effective, will force your opponent to move very quickly to recover position, thus testing his stamina. When thrown at the backhand in the same court, the ball will swerve into your opponent's body thereby forcing errors.
The Continental grip must be used with this service stroke. You need to alter your ball toss a little and to apply sidespin and a little topspin to the ball, you must hit up and around the outside of the ball.
Here are the steps to the slice serve.
1. Toss the ball to the right of your front shoulder.
2. Turn your hitting shoulder away while leaning on your bent front knee.
3. Keep your racquet elbow high as the racquet head falls deep into the throwing position.
4. With the weight transferred forwards and upwards as your knees straighten, snap your wrist forwards, sending the racquet head away almost head-on, hitting the ball just below center on its right side.
5. Follow the stroke through with the racquet past your left side similar to the basic serve.